Friday 26 October 2012

PING: Blackberry's Contribution to Communication in St. Lucia

It is becoming quite difficult to talk about the recent advances that the world has made in technology without mentioning the likes of email and instant messaging. It is even more difficult to talk about these two things without mentioning the innovative device that has pioneered these brilliant features over the last few years. The Blackberry is undoubtedly now the most popular phone in the Caribbean region despite the likes of the iPhone and miscellaneous devices running Google’s Android and Microsoft’s Windows software. Notice that I didn’t say it was the “best” phone and I hold no bitter taste in my mouth to admit that its two amazing features don’t compare to the plethora of services that its competition offers. However, when it comes to instant messaging, its BB messenger is undeniably the best there is and communication in St. Lucia has never been the same since its advent. The question is: has it changed it for the better or for the worse?

 Most BB users had positive things to say (go figure) when I approached them about the topic. “My BB makes communicating easier,” said Amanda, holding up her handset as if she were doing an advertisement for one of the local telecommunication companies. “You can talk to someone discreetly in a meeting without having to distract anyone.” Some random girl on facebook with a name too long to document added, “It feels like sending unlimited text messages all over the world without having to pay for each one,” and when I challenged her on the fee of data usage, she emphasized on the word 'feeeeeeeeeels'. Despite my open aversion to Blackberry and its BB Messenger, I had to admit that she had a great point; the data fee would be far cheaper than the price one would pay to send so many text messages to both local and foreign destinations per month. “But what about Whatsapp messenger?” I asked her. “Can it not do those same things?” “BB is more popular and therefore more effective,” she retorted. “Plus, it has the perfect emoticons to describe how you’re feeling and they’re much better than that stupid substitute called…what’s the name of the app again?” 

I instantly recalled a technical moment of embarrassment while trying to find the PING function on Whatsapp messenger and having to type it instead. This was getting even more interesting than I had bargained for. I originally perceived most Blackberry users to be mere sheep following whatever was deemed popular at the time but it seems like I had misjudged them. 

The next day, a gentleman in suit and tie, carrying the 'Torch' model of the phone responded to the question like he was a candidate on a cell phone debate: “The arrival and popularity of BBM has granted people access to each other in ways that they didn't have before. It’s not just a messenger it's like a more personalized version of facebook with status updates, picture and video sharing.” “And don’t forget about BB broadcasts,” cautioned another avid fan. “It’s the fastest way to spread a message whether it’s an ad, SOS, news bulletin or whatever. Don’t be a hater gassa. BB is d' baddest!” Hmmm... could this fool actually be right? Has this phone and app really enhanced the level of communication here on this island and the rest of the world?

“So what do you think sir,“ I asked.
BBM is the devil!!!”
“Ok…not quite what I was looking for…moving right along. Thank you!”

Before BBM we had often heard the internet being criticized for encouraging its users to become somewhat anti-social. This happens to be an understatement compared to being at a family dinner table and realizing that everyone is on his and her Blackberry phone talking to other people. “ I hate it,” Mike said, “I always feel like I have to struggle with my girl just to get her to look at me whilst I talking. Sometimes I  does want to take the stupid phone and mash it up gassa.” Regrettably, Mike isn’t the only person who feels this way. The BB has elevated it’s way to one of the top five reasons for breaks ups or fights between couples everywhere, and though we all know intelligently that an electronic device is not what is to be blamed here, we cannot ignore the significance of its influence. “The worst thing for me,” said Mona, “was when I would spend how long messaging my friends for all of us to hang out and when we finally get together we barely speak to each other. Everyone’s checking their phone every two minutes, smiling and then messaging back. Choops!” Young children are also complaining that their parents are neglecting some of their parental responsibilities for the butterfly effect of getting a PING or viewing the frantic picture changing of their friends. 

Whilst most BB users can agree that relationships at home are important, many seem to be guilty of paying more attention to those relationships that are outside of the home via their phones.
 “I was driving the other day,” said Tony, “when I saw a young girl walk into a parked car on the side of the street.” He thought it was hilarious but I thought it was pretty stupid. Thank God for her it was only a parked vehicle but how many persons endanger their lives and the lives of others because they can’t resist the PING? How many reports of stolen phones in the middle of town would get some people to simply stop or wait till they get to their destination before trying to communicate via their phones? How many accidents would it take for drivers to message their friends and tell them, ‘I’m driving, can’t talk now’ or motivate them to purchase a hands free device for their vehicles? It’s a dangerous distraction whilst driving or walking, to be head down in a phone. Some have even put messaging whilst driving in the same category as drinking and driving, and considering the amount of countries that the practice has been made illegal, this can’t be far from the truth.

And speaking of truth my brother, you know these BB broadcasts does have the most lies? You cah be quick to believe any ting you read on der man. Too many little boys crying wolf!” Those were the words of a an old BB user who had just made his way to the Android platform and seemed to be quite proud of it. 

What good is a medium of communication if it isn't a credible source? Is the price of these enhancements that we read earlier really worth the social damage that they’re causing to us? I am in no way suggesting dear reader that we dispense with the technology or the handset because more and more smartphones are being built with similar and eventually, better instant messaging characteristics that we all can benefit from. Whatsapp messenger is now perhaps more if not just as popular as BBM and has the ability to do almost everything that its major competitor can do.Thus the real issue here is what course of action can be taken to curb the negligence and irresponsible use of the device/app and others like it. 

Send a BBM broadcast gassa!!
“Weren’t you listening to anything I just said?”
Oh sorry, I was responding to a PING deh.”

Written by
Valentine Dantes

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